fridays at the gym
i'm calling you to see
if you're sleeping or you're dreaming
and if you're dreaming
are you dreaming of me.
i love the gym on fridays, it is mostly empty. flare guy is not there, the teeny boppers are at some block party while their parents think they are at each other's houses studying, and scream-at-every-rep guy isn't there either. the music is a little bit quieter, and no waiting to use different benches or machines. however, that is when the bizzaros come out.
bizzaro rew is never there during the week. boy oh boy if he doesn't look like rew. difference is deff in the shoes, so far.
bizzaro eli is there too. those of us who know eli, know he is funny and skinny. bizzaro eli is skinny too, except in a more ripped sort of way. and where eli is extremely outgoing, bizzaro eli couldn't talk to save his life.
i have met or seen many bizzaros at the gym- which is bizzaro enough. last, but not least, there is bizzaro matt. bizzaro matt is studying to be a nurse, and i do not know how well he will do. i believe that most of the weights in the room are smarter than he is, unlike unbizzaro matt. and also unlike unbizzaro matt, bizzaro matt starts conversations very oddly, "hey... i got a test to-morrow, so i got to go study. see you later man." that was the whole conversation. i was there about forty-five minutes and he came up to say that and left. many other weird conversations have also happened.
there must be a portal somewhere in quakertown that is letting the bizzaros come through. either that or i just think everyone looks like my friends. "sure i'm blind in one eye, and my other eye was infected that day from picking at it, and i was tired, and i'd been swimming in a pool with too much chlorine, and that was the hour my glasses were at lenscrafters but i seen that [bizzaro____]!"
don't talk to stangers! especially strangers who are bizzaro. bill, someday i'm going to see your picture on a milk carton.
Posted by
Frankita |
Fri Apr 14, 12:07:00 PM 2006
are you saying i look like a cow?
Posted by
billiam |
Fri Apr 14, 12:27:00 PM 2006
scream at every rep guy... ah yes. no one buys his propaganda campaign to convince all within earshot that he is tough.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Fri Apr 14, 06:13:00 PM 2006