O'Verien McBrotzman
happy second birthday billy!
another birthday done. such a great time was had, i am sure, by all. from work i hopped on a train and met dave at the station. from there we met up with jameson, then went to get kris, and then went out. everyone packed into roosevelt's. teddy, not his four wheeling relative frankie (vroom). sadly, our first round came in plastic cups. now, perhaps i am becoming a snobby beer connoisseur, but beer does not belong in a plastic cup. unless of course it is coors, bud, genny, natty ice, or any other crappy popular american beer.
being Irish, i decided to test my luck, which i have a lot of. and why not- luck can only last a lifetime if you die young, or- if you are me. our waitress was an attractive girl whose only green attire (that i could see) was her bra strap. she, like the other female waitresses had to wear a black uniform of pants and tank-top. i asked her if we could see some glasses for our pints, if for anything, i know that the glass holds more than the plastic cup and both are the same price. next round, and any after for that matter, came in a pint glass. and at the end of the night, i pulled off a perfect 'kiss me, i'm Irish' with her.
verien met up with us a bit later in the night. it was great to see him, funny guy. in fact, if i may say so, our side was the funnier side as it had verien, jameson and myself. and the funniest part of the night came from our side. apparently verien is more Irish than we know. his apt Irish name is mcbrotzman, o'verien mcbrotzman. hilarious. (if you are mexican, you will not get the joke, so here is a hint- think of the cancer.)
much to the surprise of some, i took it very easy. i had no more than six pints, and then dave and i topped it off with some funny videos and scotch. it just may be that my heavier nights are done. yet, i will not lie, if we go to Europe, or canada again, i will apologize in advance.
to add, if you think of it:
i have been thought of by someone (who obviously just met me) as extremely professional. either way, they work for the government, and is trying to see if he can get me a job. and i didn't even ask. so if it crosses your mind- pray that that door will open.
i posted a comment to this blog entry a few days ago, but appearently it didn't work. or maybe it will show up later. who knows. anyway, how the heck are ya? levi and me miss having breakfast with you (and yes, lucas, i dared to give him coffee..however, if he was my roomate that would be an entirely different story). :)
Posted by
Frankita |
Wed Apr 05, 02:51:00 PM 2006
aww, thanks. i do miss bfast. now i eat it alone. and i have cold cereal and twinings tea.
Posted by
billiam |
Fri Apr 07, 08:20:00 PM 2006