long time no?
well, cut me a break if you can. i have been a bit busy, mostly at work.
currently i am in florida spending time at a theological convention and hanging out with roland. naturally i took a plane, and so naturally i partook in my new flying ritual (local airport bar). surely i do not drink that often or that much anymore- however i have my fare share of great and humorous stories that tie into them. just ask if you ever want to know.
this last meeting with roland was excellent. it was just what i needed i suppose. sometimes i keep the clarity of my life from others. so i am sure that i seem to come off a bit of a riddle. rew and i talked about punishments for crimes, and does it always fit (noting different punishments in different countries too), but it got me to thinking about some of my own stunts.
rew is right; working backwards:
i should not have the job that i have
i should not have recieved my diploma
i sholuld have been expelled
i should never have made it out of high school
i should be dead.
and this is not because i am so crafty, nor so smart that i do not get caught. at least not on that at all. rew suggested that i rely to heavily on the grace of others. actually i rely on the grace of God, because i would be ever so careless to rely on the grace of others.
moving on- i met a girl on a plane. it was great, every question was out of the way. get the important stuff out of the way before hand. save yourself the trouble of dating the girl for four months before finding out the girl is not worth it. either way her name is ... well, her sister's name is billy jean.
currently i am in florida spending time at a theological convention and hanging out with roland. naturally i took a plane, and so naturally i partook in my new flying ritual (local airport bar). surely i do not drink that often or that much anymore- however i have my fare share of great and humorous stories that tie into them. just ask if you ever want to know.
this last meeting with roland was excellent. it was just what i needed i suppose. sometimes i keep the clarity of my life from others. so i am sure that i seem to come off a bit of a riddle. rew and i talked about punishments for crimes, and does it always fit (noting different punishments in different countries too), but it got me to thinking about some of my own stunts.
rew is right; working backwards:
i should not have the job that i have
i should not have recieved my diploma
i sholuld have been expelled
i should never have made it out of high school
i should be dead.
and this is not because i am so crafty, nor so smart that i do not get caught. at least not on that at all. rew suggested that i rely to heavily on the grace of others. actually i rely on the grace of God, because i would be ever so careless to rely on the grace of others.
moving on- i met a girl on a plane. it was great, every question was out of the way. get the important stuff out of the way before hand. save yourself the trouble of dating the girl for four months before finding out the girl is not worth it. either way her name is ... well, her sister's name is billy jean.
at this point, i think it's only fair that i point out that i never actually said any of those things (you shouldn't have your job, etc). the closest i came is that i implied that you wouldn't have gotten your diploma if you had been caught for the library stunt. sheesh. i know you didn't mean it like that, but the way you wrote it, you made it sound like i ranted at you about all the crazy things you've done and their possible consequences. "i should be dead." double sheesh. anyway, good pubs, good times.
Posted by
Rew |
Wed Mar 15, 01:15:00 AM 2006
right, right, right,
i should have been a bit more clear, it was after what we were talking about that i thought of all of that stuff. stories upon stories went through my mind.
no, in fact, i love when people rant about the crazy things that i have done. especially the consequences- because it makes me feel good knowing i beat a bunch of odds.
Posted by
billiam |
Wed Mar 15, 11:13:00 AM 2006
you met a girl on the plane? sweet
i, for one, have no idea how you're still alive, but i'm damn glad you are.
Posted by
Lucas |
Wed Mar 15, 07:11:00 PM 2006
thanks lucas!
Posted by
billiam |
Wed Mar 15, 08:11:00 PM 2006