welcome to praha!
the moon is shining now
and shadows are what’s left of all the noise
simple silhouettes and cut outs
as if we had a choice
he listens closely now
swears that he can hear a voice
that’s calling him
~something corporate
unlike heathrow, i got into the czech republic very quickly and easily. i knew that flying into the u.k. with air india would be suspicious. on air india- i would fit the terrorist profile. when i got to the czech immigration check-in, i was last in line. the immigration officer was asking everyone all sorts of questions. then he got to me:
immigration officer: hello
me: dobry den
he looks at my passport, scans it. looks at me. stamps my passport.
immigration officer: bye bye
me: ?!?!?!
i was shocked it was that easy. though after the hogwarts even in london- i thought i was to go through another suspicious event. good thing i flew british airways. i prayed that i would get in easy enough, so thank you God.
george (daniela's nephew) picked me up at the airport and we went to his car. on the elevator ride up, we got stuck. i have not even been in the country twenty minutes, and i am stuck in a metal box. and it was getting hot. i started to sweat. no good- i stink when i sweat. and since i left my deodorant in the states, i was worse than normal. (and my toothbrush i left too- cause sally the grey-hound ate it. she's a nice dog- just a bit too hungry.) george started pushing buttons and then he found the siren button. we had a good laugh as he was beeping techno like. then the box with buttons started to beep and sound like a telephone. someone on the other side started talking- to which george started talking. about twenty minutes later 'help' arrived. the rescue team comprised of one man with a bar and a set of keys. george had already opened the elevator door to see that were were about two and a half feet shy of the outside door. but we could have gotten out ourselves. the rescue guy just opened the doors like we had already. if we had only known.
george then loaded his car with my stuff, and we went to go to lukas's house. and we got lost. measures up to the rest of the trip really. but we found it eventually and now i am here. in prague, and unpacked. and shaved. and a haircut... two bits? the apartment is really nice- i shall shoot a few pictures (can i say shoot on the internet anymore? i could say bang out a few pictures, but that sounds like a porno shoot. ), i mean take a few pictures and post them.
the toilets have two buttons. one for #1, and one for the deuce. or push both for the double deuce. or a dead animal, or your stash if the cops knock on the door.
the first gym i looked at was smaller than our apartment. so to-day i look for another one. the apartment is a few minutes walk from a monastery that was built in 993, and a few minutes tram ride in the opposite direction from prague castle. fun.
so who is Lukas? Is he also related to Daniella or is he a friend of her nephew? I'm just curious to find out who is so generous to a person they do not know. Whoever they are I'm glad that they are giving you a place to stay. definitely shoot some photos and post them for us to see.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thu Apr 19, 11:20:00 AM 2007
it is daniela's friend. she owns the flat i am in. and her son stays here. he gave me the biggest room. i could not persuade him otherwise. he told me to-day that he likes me better than he had originally hoped to. what a nice thing to say.
Posted by
billiam |
Thu Apr 19, 04:59:00 PM 2007
that is a very nice thing to say. it's makes me glad to hear that you're in a good place.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Fri Apr 20, 11:20:00 AM 2007