not sure if this is two or three days after the lake got me. but it healed really fast. no more scabs, just scars. what woman would want me now? ruined!
posted by billiam on 19 October 2006 at Thursday, October 19, 2006 |Permalink
It looks like you were fighting whit big bear and not just jumping to the lake. You are such a crazy boy:-}
where capital letters have been executed!
let's see... i really dislike sunny days. i love precipitation of all kinds. snow is my favorite. i wish that it could be no more than fifty degrees fahrenheit, and clouds covering the sky. i enjoy friends and beer- in that order. i dislike wearing shirts. my random thoughts and unanswerable questions keep me up at night. when i sleep i have dreams; long epic dreams. i believe that it is important to be fit in mental, physical, and emotional capacities. any food worth eating should be as organic as possible, without additives that have letters p, k, x, c, h in close proximity without vowels. save a cow- eat a vegetarian.
It looks like you were fighting whit big bear and not just jumping to the lake. You are such a crazy boy:-}
Posted by
Petra |
Wed Oct 25, 02:54:00 PM 2006
lake? no- it was a bear. a big bear.
Posted by
billiam |
Wed Oct 25, 04:31:00 PM 2006
Dont know..I though just russian people are fighting whit big bears!
Posted by
Petra |
Tue Oct 31, 08:21:00 PM 2006
yes, but they win, i lost.
Posted by
billiam |
Tue Oct 31, 08:56:00 PM 2006
that looks wicked painful
Posted by
Lucas |
Thu Nov 02, 12:00:00 AM 2006
it hurt the day after, mostly when i laughed. but second day after it didn't hurt at all.
i need to show the update- plain scars.
Posted by
billiam |
Thu Nov 02, 07:05:00 AM 2006
you know, if the scars come out right, you could probably tell people you were attacked by a wild animal, like a bobcat or something.
chicks dig dudes who've survived wild animal attacks.
Posted by
Lucas |
Fri Nov 03, 12:16:00 PM 2006
i am sticking with, "i was back-handed by a bear" story.
Posted by
billiam |
Fri Nov 03, 01:08:00 PM 2006