on going home
night falls beneath candle light,
white squalls beneath winter skies,
what a joyous return home.
my friend nick and i went down to the local bar. there are two bars in the town of middleburgh, ny. one of them have the clientel of a less savory nature- interesting people anyways. it is very loud and some people would rather cause a ruckus rather than enjoy a good time. the other is very quiet where people are friendly and will chat with anyone. nick and i went to both- but started at the louder one.
bj's is the name. i am not sure why, perhaps the owner's name is bartholomew jacobson. and at first glance it does not look like much, and only after you get inside, you find that it really is not much to look at. however, if we are at a bar, we should at least try our hands at getting a drink.
i ordered mine, black russian- there is no guinness. while the barkeep was concerning herself with making my drink, i was introduced to one of the locals, rather- she introduced herself to me, as pleasantly as she could.
local patron: "get the f*%$ out of my way"
me: "you could try excuse me"
lp: "i don't have to say anything to you"
me: "perhaps you should, you are a lady, and besides, everyone has manners- find them."
i left barside to rejoin my friend nick who has met some of our other friends. i recalled the story to them, just as i have with you. just as i had finished this rather large mid to late thirty-something woman came rushing towards me and pushed one of my friends out of her way.
lp: "if you have something to say to me, say it to my f*$#ing face!"
me: i am not talking about you, i was done when we were at the bar" (i am pretty sure this is what i said- i was quite mild mannered about the whole thing)
it was at this time that the local patron started screaming and knocked my drink out of my hand. she then proceeded to push me. surely i cannot hit a women, so i let it go. then a second time. as she was about to her third attempt to push me i grabbed both of her arms and pushed them down and shoved her away from me. clearly that was the time that everyone else at the bar thought that it should end. about five or so guys came up and held her back and stood in front of me.
perhaps it was the surge of adreneline, or just the shock of loosing a good drink- but i cannot really recall just what happened after that. i know that the woman was kindly escorted out of the bar. after that i wanted to go too, to the other local bar. thankfully i did. kelly's is the name of this bar. mr. kelly is not irish by any means, but titled his bar so. he serves guinness, so it cannot be that bad. guinness was $2.75 a pint; combine that with the fact that the woman that i greeted was not there- it was a great night.
welcome home, billy, indeed!
Seems like things haven't changed much for you since the last time we chatted, which happens to be several YEARS ago now. Or have they?
Posted by
marianne |
Wed Sep 13, 06:21:00 PM 2006
no, marianne. i think my surroundings change. i myself am still stuck with my boyhood charm and 15 year old good looks- sparse acne and all.
Posted by
billiam |
Sun Sep 24, 08:35:00 AM 2006