i do not need keys
nothing's so loudas hearing when we lie
the truth is not kind
and you've said neither am i
but the air outside so soft is saying everything
~toad the wet sprocket.
good-evening, god kveld!
why am i in such a good mood? well, is it not obvious? i did something devious. well, not all that devious; i did not have a key- but locks are not a good enough deterrent, i mean- really, it is me i am writing about.
how about we start from the beginning. levi will appreciate this story- though not a tour de force of liquid proportions, it contains essentials nonetheless.
this guy i work out with, bruce, just so happens to be a part-time bartender. when he works he encourages me to come out and keep him company. my part is easy- i sit and talk like a friend would, and he keeps supplying the drinks, as a bartender should; only at the ripe old price of free.
well, i got there at 10.5 and stayed for two hours and eight drinks (levi- i missed the wine, but got the other two). for those of you who are not Scotch/Irish- that is a good bit of drinking. and for those of you who are Scotch/Irish- that is wetting the whistle. either way, i was done and decided to come home.
right next to the development that i live in there is a industrial park barricaded with a chain linked fence and angled tops with 'sharp' wire. to-night i was curious to the goings ons in such a place, so i found a way in- terrible security, those locks are easier than what i practiced on at the age of 11 (so i grew up differently than you, big deal). after letting myself in, i began checking this place out.
there were two soda machines that were cheap (do not worry lucas- i did not partake). i kept moving along, climbing on rooftops and ontop of trailers that were uncarriaged from the tractor. some of them were without a lock, and upon entering they were empty. i thought the same of the ones that were locked- and i was right, empty.
i quickly exhausted this new scenario, and i hopped the fence to come back to the commercial living aspect of this community.
better to get it out now i suppose. better than trying this stunt in canada, right matt? but who would stop me then? mounties? i dare think not! how could i think such a thing?
this is one of those posts that the fbi finds ands then starts spying on you. so have fun with all that.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thu Aug 24, 01:41:00 PM 2006
how funny would it be if i knew i was being 'tailed'. imagine the fun i could have- i mean, sure i would be arrested, but what a time.
Posted by
billiam |
Thu Aug 24, 04:33:00 PM 2006